Procurement Process for Purchasing ARVs


The following are the various links and pages used to produce this website.
* Website explaining what ARVs are:

* Online source: Procurement Project Management Plan overview:

* Book: McKinney, J. (2004). Effective financial management in public and nonprofit agencies. Praeger Publishers, Westport, Connecticut.

* Video from Doctors without Borders website:

* Article: What Every Nonprofit Must do to Protect Against Misuse of Grant Funds by Kenneth R. Dieffenbach.  Retreived from

* Doctors without Borders article from Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines: Examples of the Importance of India as the "Pharmacy for the Developing World"

* Article: Surmounting Challenges: Procurement of Antiretroviral Medicines in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Book: Zietlow, J. (2007) Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations.